Better nation creative group travels from one region of Tanzania to another, delivering the message. In the South of Tanzania, they managed to mobilize 11 schools for an event that was attended by parents, teachers, students and government representatives.
Student speakers mentioned their challenges as lack of study materials, school desks and proper toilet facilities. Large classes within the school while there are only few teachers is also a challenge. For instance, a school of standard 1 to 7, with a minimum of 50 children per class, has only 4 teachers. It makes it impossible to divide the work. Teachers mentioned challenges due to lack of study materials, toilet facilities , clean drinking water and lack of parents commitment to their children's progress. Government representatives are supporting the message that is being advocated by Better Nation Foundation, by encouraging parents to cooperate with teachers and following up on root causes for children missing classes, and once they discover the root cause they should work together to solve that for the benefit of the children instead of shrugging their shoulders and burying their heads in the sand like an Ostrich.
Basically, Better Nation Foundation delivers the message that we are all responsible for the education of the children. Better nation foundation raises funds by collecting contribution from parents and the rest of the audience after their entertaining educational events. The money is given to the participating schools for the purpose of solving the problems that they mentioned e.g buying school books, making better toilets etc.
I have enjoyed watching the videos, and I as well as Green Waters foundation would like to support the efforts of the Better Nation Foundation in advocating education rights for the children.
Mwl. J.K Nyerere (1977)