This statement covers data protection for volunteers and members. Our privacy policy covers general data protection issues for people using the GREEN WATERS website.
Applications made through this site of GREEN WATERS will be controlled. GREEN WATERS will use the personal information that you submit in your application and take responsibility for the protection of that information.
When you submit an application to this site you send the application, including personal information, to GREEN WATERS in the Netherlands. GREEN WATERS accepts applications from any country in the world but you are responsible for ensuring that making the application complies with local data protection, privacy and other laws.
GREEN WATERS may use information you submit to the site to assess your suitability for employment, including taking up references, for personnel administration, and management purposes, for training and to perform appropriate security checks.
The information collected through the site includes some limited information regarding ethnic origin, language, marital status.
GREEN WATERS will not generally share personal information with third parties, except with your consent. Our service providers and agents will have access to personal information, however. We may also disclose personal information where we are required to do so by the law or regulation of a country in which we operate. GREEN WATERS will always take up references before making an unconditional offer of employment, and may do this at any stage of the recruitment process, unless you specifically request otherwise.
If you submit an application on behalf of another individual, you do so on the basis that you have the express authority of that other individual to make the application and that he or she has been provided with all the information set out, and consented to the processing (including international transfer) of his or her personal information described in this Data Protection Statement.
We may keep your information for a reasonable period in accordance with legal requirements if your application is unsuccessful or if you cease to be part of our organization.
If you have any query about this statement, or wish to exercise the rights of access and correction referred to above, please contact GREEN WATERS Data Protection Officer at
October 2007