W.I.S.E – Winning Initiatives for Sustainable Economies

The next generation deserves the same rights and safety nets that have been enjoyed by many from our generation.

The Brundtland Report  states: "Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.’’

"The people are the foundation of development."
Mwl. J.K. Nyerere 1922-1999
Green Waters Foundation introduces "Project W.I.S.E."
Project W.I.S.E has been initiated by Green Waters Foundation with the aim of creating employment within a development cooperation model. The intention is to focus on creating opportunities for experts from all different fields within the Netherlands to work together with other experts in their academic field within developing countries. The main objective is to reduce unemployment, and trigger development that is sustainable.
Currently, project W.I.S.E is at the initial stage of building partnerships and discussing the different ways that partners can work together to achieve the main goal.

Areas in consideration

  • Clean Development Mechanism projects
  • Green Energy
  • Technology transfer
  • Policy change
  • Twinning

Green Waters Foundation Management team
Stella Evelyne Tesha and Bianka Wettin

Rotterdam, November 2013
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