Green Waters has been sponsored by:
(Partners MIKITA)
Oxfam works directly with communities and seeks to influence the powerful to ensure that poor people can improve their lives and livelihoods and have a say in decisions that affect them.
Stichting Voeten in de aarde
(Partner MIKITA)
Changing the world through the (Financial) support of initiatives aimed at:
- Skillful distribution of money, knowledge and power
- Preserving and improving the environment
- Respect of human rights
- Respectful treatment of others and their surroundings
Project Partners
Implementing research for project CHANCE
Creative Studios Tanzania
Mkombozi VTC - Moshi
(Trainings and evaluation support MIKITA)
Project implementation and vocational training college
Mkombozi VTC
Alonso Foto
(Promotional Material)
Graphics, Imagines, Webdesign
Dibo Impex
(Trainings and evaluation support project MIKITA)
The Dar es salaam Regional Vocational Training and Services center (DSMRVTSC) is one of the designated regional Vocational Training and Service Centre providing vocational training and services country-wide. The formation of the center evolves from the need to create flexible vocational education and training systems to be operated based on labour market demands.
The major trade areas offered are in Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Printing and other commercial based trades. This prospectus describes thoroughly the courses offered by the DSMRVTSC.
Further documents describing the rules and regulations, training fees and other services available at the Centre are provided to registering students.
While the Centre undertakes to provide vocational training in the manner set out in the p0rospectus, it, however, does not guarantee the provision of the same services, should industrial action or circumstances beyond the control of the DSMRVTSC interfere with its ability to offer continuous services.
However, VETA undertakes to use all reasonable care to avoid disruption of the services.
This prospectus is, therefore, not a binding contract document between DSMRVTSC and other parties.
STIPRO - Science Technology and Innovation Policy Research Organisation
(Development Partner MIKITA)
The basic mission of STIPRO is:
- to undertake and improve the human capacity in STI policy research, formulation, analysis, assessment, monitoring and evaluation
to raise public awareness on the critical role of STI policy research for evidence based decisions - to advocate and lobby for the implementation of STI issues given its critical importance for socio-economic development including poverty reduction
The basic mission of STIPRO is:
- to undertake and improve the human capacity in STI policy research, formulation, analysis, assessment, monitoring and evaluation
- to raise public awereness on the critical role of STI policy research for evidence based decisions
- to advocate and lobby for the implementation of STI issues given its critical importance for socio-economic develepment including poverty reduction