How do we collect information?
When you contact GREEN WATERS regarding our activities, register as a volunteer, member or supporter, send or receive information or make a donation to us, you provide us with personal information.
What information do we collect?
Financial information In order to process financial transactions, we may ask you for your bank or credit card details. All online transactions will be encrypted using SSL (Secure Sockets Layer).
Personal information
When you supply information such as your name or email address to us, we are legally obliged to ensure that we only use this information for the purpose for which it was requested, and to ensure that it is kept securely.
What does providing your personal information mean?
When you provide us with personal data, such as your name or email address, you consent to the collection and use of this information for a specified purpose.
When recruiting for a post based in another country, GREEN WATERS will sometimes need to transfer your personal information to countries that do not provide the same level of data protection as in the European Union.
Will we disclose the information we have collected to outside parties?
We may pass your information to our service providers, associated organizations and, if you give your consent, other related organizations which may share the aims and objectives of GREEN WATERS. If you do not want this to happen, please tick the box where provided.
We may also need to disclose your information, if required to do so by law.
Do we use cookies?
Yes. Cookies are pieces of information that are sent to your computer by GREEN WATERS when you log onto our website. They are stored on your computer's hard drive, allowing us to recognize you as a user when you next visit.
If you do not want cookies to be stored on your PC it is possible to disable this function without affecting your navigation around the site.
How do you disable cookies?
In Internet Explorer, click on Tools, then on Settings, then on the Privacy tab. Use the slider bar to select the level of privacy you want.
In Firefox, click on Tools, then on Options, then on Privacy, then on the Cookies tab. From this menu, you can choose your level of Privacy.
You can find more detailed information on disabling cookies at
Updating my information
If any of your personal information changes or you find that our records are out of date, please email
Children's data
When you register with us, you are stating that you are over 18 years of age or are a minor acting with parental consent. You agree that any information you provide to us about yourself upon registration or at any time is true. See Terms and Conditions for more information.
We cannot be held responsible for the privacy of data collected by websites not owned or managed by GREEN WATERS.
Notification of change of privacy policy
We reserve the right to amend this privacy statement. You are advised to visit this website section periodically in order to keep up to date with the changes in our privacy policy.
October 2007