Artist: Miranda Van Denzel

Scholen gemeenschap Nieuw- Zuid
Olympiaweg 395
3078 HT  Rotterdam
The Netherlands

Date: February 2010
Target group: Youngsters
Number of participants: 30
Ages: 13, 14 and 15
Sex: male and female

Recycle material:
 old zippers, buttons, wool
Extra material: needles, thread and silk

Miranda Van Denzel is one of the artists in Ijsselmonde, who has joined project W.I.F.E.S in order to promote environmental sustainability by using her knowledge as an artist, a mother and a teacher.

Before the workshop, Miranda discussed the subject of environment sustainability and the importance of learning creative recycling.

Miranda also informed the children about Tanzania and the projects that are done by Green Waters to promote the women and children who are in a disadvantaged position.

The main material used for this workshop is ‘’wool felt’’. This was used to make a tapestry as a background and thereafter decorated with old zippers, buttons, wool and silk.

The students and Miranda made different designs. After they discussed and compared those designs they chose the best - a design that will reflect Africa, and then collected the materials to make the art.

This design was amplified on a large piece of paper. On this piece of paper colored wool was laid down. The backside was covered for the felted wool. The wool used to cover the backside were pieces of (clean) trash, cutouts from artworks which were made earlier. After that  the artwork was covered with bubble wrap. Bubble wrap is often used as packaging for all kinds of goods. (Recycle material.)

When this was done, we ‘felted’ the tapestry. This was the first step creating the final tapestry.

After the tapestry was ready the students put old buttons, zippers, corks and beads on it.
The zippers and buttons were taken from old coats. The big wooden beads from an old car seat cover. The result is a wonderful piece of wall art.

In total, the work on the tapestry was done for twelve hours, five people at a time. A total of thirty students have worked on the tapestry till its completion.

The students have donated their work to Green Waters foundation to be auctioned as a means to raise money for the project in Tanzania that supports women and children.

Green Waters team thanks the students and Miranda Van Denzel for their contribution. We believe, they have made a difference and set a wonderful example.

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