Date: Tuesday, 20th November 2011
Target group: Group 4, primary school children
Age: 6-8 years
Number of participants: 14
Workshop given by: Melissa Tesha
Location: Openbare basisschool "de Kubus"
Oldenoord 81
3078 KG Rotterdam
The Netherlands
Recycle material: used juice boxes
Extra material: glue, scissors, wrapping paper, glitter and stickers

Project W.I.F.E.S creative recycling initiative focuses on teaching target groups how to creatively recycle household materials.

The timing of the workshop was selected for the period of Christmas in order to teach the target group how to package Christmas presents for friends and family in a fun creative way that is also good for the environment Project W.I.F.E.S was explained to the target group and there after a demonstration of how to modify old juice boxes into gift boxes.

Pretty soon everyone was cutting, wrapping and decorating their personal juice box for a friend or family. Not only were the end results quite satisfying but the teacher as well as the students expressed an interest in repeating this workshop again next year.

By doing this workshop the target group was made to see that there are other, more environmentally sustainable things one can do with used juice boxes other than just throwing them away into the trash.

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