Thank you speech from attendents

25th August 2010
A thank you speech (translated) by the women from Mkombozi VTC / Green Waters project “MIKITA”, who completed the short training of “Making Batik” and “Tie & Die”

The women who completed the course under project MIKITA at Mkombozi VTC prepared a speech in which they thank the guest of honour, project coordinators, guests, teachers and all who attended the graduation event. The speech declares their happiness with the trainings they have received, which they see a useful tool to make a better life for themselves and their families.

The women thank Green Waters Foundation for deciding to support Tanzania women with low education and a low standard of life. Green Waters’ support has made it possible for them to learn skills and therefore grant them economic emancipation. Although they can’t pay in terms of money, they pray to god to grant Green Waters more protection and blessings.

The women give thanks to the leadership of Mkombozi VTC and the whole organization for making it possible for them to be able to receive the trainings and get their certificates. They have learnt the skill of making batik and tie & Dye with different designs, they expect great success from these skills.

They are aware of the challenges they will face, such as being able to get a market and  to get a capital for starting a business.

This target group of women carry the family burden of providing food, clothes, shelter and education for their dependants. This was given as one of the reasons why two of the participants couldn’t complete the course successfully.

The participants asks Green Waters Foundation to continue to support more women to be able to attend skills trainings because they see it as the only way to gain economic emancipation and be able to govern their lives.


Ndugu Mgeni Rasmi
Ndugu Mratibu wa Mradi
Ndugu waalimu
Wageni waalikwa
Mabibi na Mabwana

Ndugu Mgeni Rasmi, Kwa heshima na taadhima tunachukua fursa hii kukushukuru kwa kuitikia wito na kuacha shughuli zako nyingi na kuja kujumuika nasi, katika tafrija hii ndogo siku ya leo ya kuhitimu mafunzo yetu tuliyohudhuria kwa kipindi cha mwezi mmoja.

Hakika mafunzo haya tumeyafurahia sana na yatatusaidia kuboresha maisha yetu, na pia kuwa msaada kwa familia zetu.

Ndugu Mgeni rasmi, tunaushukuru uongozi mzima wa Mkombozi VTCDC kutuwezesha sisi kupata elimu hii, pia tunashukuru sana GREEN WATERS FOUNDATION PROJECT MIKITA kwa kuwafikiria wanawake wa kitanzania walio na elimu ndogo na wenye maisha ya chini ili waweze kujikwamua kiuchumi.

Hatuna cha kuwalipa ila tunawaombea Mungu Mwenyezi azidi kuwalinda na kuwabariki.


Tunafuraha sana leo tumepata ujuzi wa batiki na kwa mafanikio makubwa  tumeweza kutengeneza batiki tofauti na zilizoko mjini; ufanisi  wa kazi hii umetuwezesha kupata vyeti leo.

Hali duni ya maisha tuliyo nayo haituwezeshi kufikia malengo yetu ya kujikwamua kimaisha.  Tatizo  kubwa ni namna ya kupata mitaji na masoko. Tunawaombea Mungu mtukumbuke tena kutusaidia ili tuweze kuutumia ujuzi mliotupa kujikwamua kiuchumi. Ukizingatia wanawake ndio wanaobeba mzigo wa kulea familia kuanzia chakula, mavazi, malazi na katika suala zima la elimu. Hali hii imechangia  sana wenzetu wawili kutokufanikiwa kumaliza kozi hii


Tunaomba  mradi huu uendelee kuwapa wanawake wengi zaidi mafunzo ya ujuzi wa kazi ili waondokane na umasikini.
Asante kwa kusikiliza,

Imeandaliwa na:

Wanawake waliohitimu mafunzo ya
Batiki na Tie & Dye Mkombozi VTC - Moshi -  Tanzania.

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